Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







Activity Report: AMDA Food Program in Malino, Indonesia

Publication date:2019-05-15
By Ahrani Akbar Fachri (AMDA Indonesia)

Footprints of the pigs

From 26 January to 25 February 2019, AMDA Indonesia staff Ahrani Akbar Fachri visited AMDA’s organic farm in South Sulawesi, Indonesia to conduct periodical monitoring.

As a result of recent landslides and overflowing rivers that surround the rice fields, many farmers had their fields damaged. They began to restore the fields buried in mud. According to Mr. Jamal, a local farmer, he said, "The fields near the river were badly damaged, so we need to replant the crops." Besides being buried, the rice fields were attacked by wild pigs.

On the contrary, the growth of organic vegetables has been quite good and the crops have not been attacked by pests or diseases. After the harvest, these organic vegetables will be sold to tourists visiting Malino. The agricultural cost of production incurred by organic farmers is quite reasonable as they only use homemade fertilizers such as cow dungs and fuel husks.

Meeting with AMDA farmers

The meeting was attended by all organic farmers and AMDA Malino staff. The participants discussed a lot about their fields being restored from landslides and floods, not to mention pest attacks on their rice plants.

Last but not least, this meeting became my final work at AMDA. I conveyed my gratitude to the farmers and fellow AMDA staff for the knowledge I gained during my time working with them. It was truly a valuable experience for myself. They treated me like their family member and I hope this relationship will continue even after my departure.


Paddy fields

Organic vegetables

    •  Micro Credit (Comprehensive Livelihood Support)
    •  Indonesia
    •  2019
    •  GPSP