“AMDA Peace Clinic” in Bodhgaya, India has been reborn as a Mother and Child clinic since October, 2014. This activity report is from an AMDA nurse who worked with the local staff for three weeks at the new “AMDA Peace Clinic”.
“AMDA Peace Clinic” is located in Mastipur, Bodhgaya, Buddhist sanctuary. However, once you derail from the main tourists’ areas, you see garbage, dirt, wandering livestock and the excrement. The people, including little children, live in the areas with poor sanitation. And also, the women are marginalized and uneducated. Due to lack of knowledge, almost all women there give birth at home without seeing a doctor during their pregnancy. In addition, they are chronically anemic because of poor diet. It could cause them life-threatening complications during their delivery. Sadly, there are also infants who could not stay alive in such an environment.

“AMDA Peace Clinic” provides nurse home-visiting service for pregnant women and mothers with infants to advice about diet, health and daily life. Now the clinic staff observe and monitor more than 30 women and their children in Mastipur and Piparpati. The AMDA nurse also visited the community every day with the local nurse and assessed their conditions, gave some advice on health related matters especially during pregnancy and revised patients’ record sheet with local staff. AMDA will continue to contribute the health care service and provide health education program in Bodhgaya in India.