This year I would like to start the new year by extending my profound gratitude to all my friends and supporters. AMDA celebrated its 30th anniversary last year. Nobody could have imagined that a simple aspiration of a young man would develop into a well-established international NGO with 30 chapters and numerous partners around the world. It took 30 years of unfaltering commitment and assistance by the entire AMDA community, its partners and supporters. It is the spirit of "Open Sogo-Fujo"* that has united these people of various backgrounds to help people in need. No word can be enough to thank all friends and donors who have made AMDA what it is today.
At the 30th anniversary celebration last November, a new movement called "Global Partnership for Sustainable Peace", in short GPSP, was launched to expand the present network and to further coexistence of diversity which is indispensable for world peace. AMDA will not just sit back complacent with the successes of the past, instead it will move forward to spread the spirit of OpenSogo-Fujo, the very foundation for world peace. GPSP is a platform of humanitarian efforts with OpenSogo-Fujo as its backbone. It will be the initiatives of each participating member that will drive GPSP forward. AMDA will facilitate the efforts by bridging the local needs with the global community. I believe I owe it to all my friends and supporters to give back to the global community the chances they have given me and AMDA over the past 30 years. The expertise and experiences AMDA has nurtured since its inception in 1984 should not be swept away into oblivion. AMDAfs experiences in the art of peace and the set of new values must be handed down to the next generation of peacemakers around the world. Included in the 4 fields and 10 projects of GPSP is the Global Human Resource Development Project which will start this year from our GPSP office in Kuala Lumpur.
AMDA's 30th anniversary has given me a chance to reflect the past with gratitude for all and to think of the future. The future belongs to the young people of today. They are the ones to make a difference in this world which is far from its ideal state. It is the responsibility of all global citizens to pass down the importance of peace and the art of making peace to the young people. It will be my great honor if AMDA could play a part in this meaningful endeavor as it enters its 31 year of services to the global community.