Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995








AMDA Emergency Relief for Kumamoto Earthquake 7

Publication date:2016-04-22
AMDA Emergency Relief for Kumamoto Earthquake 7 
Since April 20th, AMDA has been fully in charge of running a mobile medical clinic at a local elementary school (Hiroyasu Elementary School) in Mashiki-machi, Kumamoto. AMDA’s third and fourth medical teams which arrived that day from Soja, Okayama have joined the ground team accordingly.


The prolonged shelter life has been burdening the evacuees both mentally and physically. A number of bedsore cases and a so-called economy class syndrome (ECS: deep-vein thrombosis) have been seen among the patients. It is urgent that a space with mattresses should be allocated. For the patients who are suffering from ECS, the team introduced massage and other means to alleviate the symptoms. As reported in the earlier bulletin, constipation has been a concern as the evacuees try to refrain from using the toilet at the shelter. Now, extra toilets have been donated and are now in place to improve this situation.
In the afternoon of April 22nd, AMDA has sent its fifth medical team (comprising one coordinator and one nurse) to the area. The team is expected to reach AMDA’s activity hub later that day.

    •  Japan
    •  Kumamoto, Japan
    •  2016
    •  ER & Reconstruction