Association of Medical Doctors of Asia, in short AMDA, is an international organization dedicated to realize a peaceful world community through humanitarian efforts in medical health care sector. Founded in Okayama City, Japan, in 1984, AMDA is a non-governmental, non-profit organization with an international network of 32 chapters and 47 collaborating organizations around the world.
What does AMDA do?
Based on the spirit of Sogo-Fujo, AMDA provides emergency medical aid to people affected by natural as well as man-made disasters. With its special strength in the medical and health sectors, AMDA also implements mid- to long-term social development projects helping people in their community building process. AMDA has worked in more than 50 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe in collaboration with governments, UN agencies, such as UNHCR, WHO, WFP, UNOCHA, and other specialized agencies and institutions.
Sogo-Fujo has been always at the core of AMDA’s activities since its foundation in 1984. Sogo-Fujo is a social value deeply rooted in the traditional Japanese close-knit community life. Literally, it means mutual assistance. It implies a cycle of reciprocating assistance in a given community. AMDA has gone beyond the confinement of each of our affinity group, reaching out to people, far and near, whoever is in need of assistance. AMDA has opened up the spirit of Sogo-Fujo across and beyond one’s community, that is to say a wider and more diverse network of mutual assistance has been created in the process.