Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







Food distribution program at AMDA Peace Clinic

Publication date:2023-06-13
Dr. Archana Shrestha Joshi (AMDA Headquarters)
For the past two years, AMDA Peace Clinic (APC) in India’s poorest Bihar state has conducted a range of food programs to assist those whose lives were severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. APC is located in Bodhgaya, one of the world’s most famous Buddhist sanctuaries.
Established in 2009, APC has been particularly known for an array of initiatives to support local pregnant women and children. Accordingly, it was a natural decision for the clinic to donate foodstuffs to its clients and their families during the most trying times, as many of the breadwinners had lost their jobs due to city blockades and lockdowns.
Since April 2022, the Indian authorities have eased restrictions, allowing both domestic and international tourists to travel around the country again. Bodhgaya, too, has benefited from the ripple effect. Many of the residents have gone back to work and started rebuilding their daily lives.
On one hand, circumstances surrounding the villages on the outskirts have still been bleak. Women, children, elderly people, and people with disabilities have continued to find it difficult to secure enough food for themselves. This led APC to launch a weekly meal distribution program in January 2023, in which it serves lunch every Tuesday to those in need.
On the day of the distribution, more than 120 people lined up to receive free meals in front of the clinic. Among those gathered were children who were around three to seven years of age. Both the young and the old sat on the spot and started devouring their meals, with children eating from the smaller plates that were provided so as not to waste any food. The villagers are generally not used to socializing with strangers. However, everyone seemed to be content, as smiles were seen after their meals.

The dishes usually consist of rice, daal soup, and vegetable curry, all of which are cooked with a variety of beans and vegetables that are available during each season. While dishes are mainly prepared by professional cooks, APC’s staff members, volunteers, and others also work together to set up the venue, serve food, and clear plates. “It keeps us busy every time, but seeing these people eating happily motivates us for the next time,” one of the staff members said.
    •  Primary Health Care & Promotion of Health Awareness (Promotion of Health)
    •  India
    •  2023