By Yuichiro Chikamochi (AMDA Headquarters)

Next year marks the 10th anniversary of the opening of AMDA Malino Farm in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The farm has spearheaded organic agriculture in the region since 2014. Originally brought in from Japan, natural farming technology has permeated the local agricultural scene where a growing number of farmers have started to go organic in recent years.
The opening of the Malino farm was triggered by “AMDA Food Program” that was launched in Japan in 2012, an agricultural initiative with the aim of spreading organic farming in the Asia region. To kickoff the project, AMDA began operating an organic farm in the village of Shinjo in the northern part of Okayama Prefecture. Its unique farming method incorporates the use of live ducks to get rid of bugs instead of using chemical pesticides. It was there that two trainees arrived from Indonesia to learn organic farming. The two later brought back the method to their motherland, and started what we know as AMDA Malino Farm today.
“Food is the source of life” as AMDA puts it, this motto has been solidly passed on to local farmers in South Sulawesi. Currently, the number of organic farmers has grown to around 15 families, most of whom are “converts” from conventional “non-organic” methods. They produce crops such as rice, red rice, mustard greens, cucumbers, lettuce and Chinese cabbage all year round. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic in the last three years, the farmers kept themselves going. Even during the most trying times, they kept themselves afloat by sticking to their usual work. They are fully committed to their pursuits by constantly exchanging ideas and opinions in search of better farming.
What makes the Malino method unique is the combination of old and new: traditional Indonesian farming and organic agriculture transferred from Japan. The use of husk charcoal, homemade fertilizers and pesticides, coupled with handmade traditional farming tools, seemed to have been the right match for the imported natural farming approach.
The local farmers’ enthusiasm can be seen in constantly trying out new vegetables or expanding their product distribution routes, while collaborating with people in different sectors. This includes the unique production of face masks made from rice powder.
Sun-drying rice grains
A local farmer harvesting Chinese cabbage
Although the whole operation seems to be on the right track, the only issue for now is the lack of personnel on site who can act as a liaison between Malino and Japan. Handling everything from manual farming, technical guidance, clerical work to marketing is surely a demanding position. However, having someone who is capable of overseeing the project may be the key to its continuity from now onward.
We are yet to ascertain what we will see in the next decade. Perhaps the time is now to consider that thoroughly, as every project reaches a turning point after a certain period of success.