Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







AMDA Emergency Relief #4: Crisis in Ukraine

Publication date:2022-03-12
On the evening of 10 March (local time), AMDA’s second relief team from Japan arrived in Budapest, Hungary, to join the preceding team. The latter had already conducted an assessment regarding the situation surrounding Ukrainian evacuees at border towns, Lonya and Kisvarda, on 8 and 9 March respectively.
As of 11 March, they are scheduled to meet the officials from the Embassy of Japan in Hungary and Semmelweis University, as well as other local partners for gathering relevant information. On the following day, the team is planning to make a visit to an aid organization at one of the towns near the border to discuss further relief work.
    •  GPSP Multi-National Medical Mission (Peace Building)
    •  Ukraine
    •  2022
    •  ER & Reconstruction