Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995








COVID-19 Outbreak: AMDA Peace Clinic Food Donation in Bodhgaya, India 12

Publication date:2021-10-14

A pregnant woman receiving the food items

On August 10, AMDA Peace Clinic (APC) in Bodhgaya, India, distributed a set of food items to pregnant women and their families that are registered with the clinic. The food distribution drive, which used to be held once a month, was resumed in July after the state-wide lockdown was lifted. This time, APC provided potatoes, dal beans, chickpeas, salt, and cooking oil, all of which are essential for Indian home cooking. Additionally, 5 kilos of wheat was given to households that are not entitled to the government support.

"My wife gave birth to a baby boy by C-section a month ago. The C-section cost us 45,000 rupees (approximately 600 USD) including the cost of medicine and blood transfusion. During the pregnancy, our financial situation was such that we could not afford to buy food, and my wife is very weak. For more than 10 years, we made a living selling handicrafts to tourists. But since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, our income got literally cut off and we have no work,” a man who came to receive the aid said.

“Since I can't just sit around and wait for things to get better, I want to start some kind of new business targeting the locals. However, I can't do that because I already owe a lot of money to my friends. Under such circumstances, the food that we receive from APC has helped us a great deal although it is not enough to cover our daily meals. Today, I came to collect the items for my wife whose condition has not been stable after childbirth. I really want to thank APC for the continued support.”

Women waiting in line

A pregnant woman collecting a set of foodstuffs

For now, APC is planning to continue the food distribution in the months to come.

    •  Primary Health Care & Promotion of Health Awareness (Promotion of Health)
    •  India
    •  2021
    •  AMDA Peace Clinic
    •  COVID-19