On 1 June 2021, AMDA finished the dispatch of medical personnel to a temporary center that took care of COVID-19 patients who were waiting to be hospitalized. The facility provided various care such as medical observation and oxygen administration services. Inquired by the Okayama Prefectural Government, two medical staff had been sent in to assist the facility operation.
Since 27 May, the municipality had set up the center on a trial basis, and it was at the time that AMDA received the request of personnel dispatch. Accordingly, AMDA called on volunteers through its pool of medical personnel to join the mission.

   Inside the facility (Photos by courtesy of Okayama Prefectural Government)
On the 1st, AMDA decided to end the relief effort as the authorities suspended the facility operation. Although the mission came to an end, AMDA will keep an eye on the situation and provide necessary assistance if need be.