Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







AMDA Emergency Relief #7: Hurricanes Eta/Iota, Honduras

Publication date:2020-12-22
As a result of needs assessments conducted in Tegucigalpa and other areas, AMDA and AMDA Honduras have decided to complete the emergency relief mission for hurricanes Eta/Iota which started in late November. The project was launched after H.E. Mr. Hector Alejandro Palma Cerna, the Ambassador of the Republic of Honduras to Japan, consulted with AMDA if any assistance could be provided in response to the tropical cyclones.

The aid activities ended with a success in which the AMDA/AMDA-Honduras joint relief team provided relief supplies to three shelters in Tegucigalpa, the capital. A total of 66 people benefitted from its item donation drive which delivered hygiene kits, cleaning equipment, fever reducers and anti-diarrhoeal drugs.

Meanwhile, in the city of Teupasenti, El Paraiso where AMDA Honduras has several project sites, the team worked with the local disaster response committee to deliver relief goods (blankets and hygiene products etc.) to 50 households, while distributing baby products (diapers and others) to 25 families with small children.

Although practical activities came to a completion, aid work for disaster reconstruction is expected to start in January 2021 whose arrangements have been underway. Including building repairs, restoration of farm lands as well as food procurement and other life-reconstruction assistance, the initiative has been planned to respond to comprehensive needs.

    •  Honduras
    •  2020
    •  ER & Reconstruction
    •  GPSP