Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







AMDA COVID-19 Survey (Sept. 2020) #6: Situation in Indonesia

Publication date:2020-09-23
This month, AMDA Headquarters has been conducting a survey targeting AMDA chapters in assessing the COVID-19 situation in each country. The results will be shared on this webpage from time to time.
  • Date: September 07, 2020
  • Name of your chapter: AMDA Indonesia
  • Total cases in your country (until 1 September 2020): 177,571 cases
  • Active cases (as of 1 September 2020): 2,775 cases
  • Number of deaths: 7,505 cases
  • Number of patients recovered: 128,057 cases

Dr. Tanra
AMDA Indonesia

Lockdown, restrictions and other measures by the government:

The Government of Indonesia applied social distancing on a large scale (PSBB). PSBB implementation involves: the closure of schools and workplaces encouraging work from home, restrictions related to religious activities, limitation of activities in public area, limitation of socio-cultural activities and also restrictions on modes of transport.


How is your country’s medical system responding? :

The first thing is to do screening or tracing, if experiencing a fever, cough, having difficulty breathing, or any other symptoms suggestive of respiratory illnesses including pneumonia, followed by rapid test and swab test.


AMDA Indonesia also donated PPE to medical facilities
after flash floods hit Masamba, South Sulawesi in July

Your chapter’s activities against COVID-19 (including future plans):

To reduce the risk of COVID-19, our chapter’s activities are as follows:
1.Giving education to public and advise them to abide by the following measures:
-Constantly wearing masks
-Frequently clean hands by washing with soap and water or applying an alcohol-based hand rub
-Social distancing in public
2.Doing prehospital screening

    •  Indonesia
    •  2020
    •  COVID-19