A family member of a pregnant woman
picking up the food items from an APC staff
A pregnant woman receiving the foodstuffs
A pregnant woman showing what she got
The below comments are from the mothers of the pregnant women who received the food aid:
“My husband used to sell photos near the 80-feet Buddha statue which is one of the main tourist attractions in Bodhgaya. However, he had to close his shop during the lockdown, and neither tourists came back even after it was lifted. We are living on our savings but I don’t think it will last long. I have two children who go to school besides my pregnant daughter. However, I haven’t told my kids about our financial problems. The food aid we receive from the clinic has been so much help to us. I’m really looking forward to every Tuesday.” (Rink Devi, a mother of a pregnant woman registered at APC)
“I am a full-time housewife and my husband is working at a construction site. However, as there’s no job for him in construction at the moment, he’s working as a day laborer doing farming where he receives 5 kg of rice (worth 175 rupees) every day as his salary. He used to earn about 350 rupees a day which was enough to make ends meet, but that’s not the case anymore. As we’ve been close friends with a food-shop owner, he let us pay for our groceries later on. The food we receive from APC definitely helps us shop less. We really feel thankful for that.” (Sumitra Devi, a mother of a pregnant woman registered at APC)