Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







Activity Report: AMDA Food Program in Malino, Indonesia

Publication date:2019-03-27
From 26 January to 25 February 2019, AMDA Indonesia staff Ahrani Akbar Fachri visited AMDA’s organic farm in South Sulawesi, Indonesia to conduct periodical monitoring.

By Ahrani Akbar Fachri (AMDA Indonesia)

Rain in Malino is expected to continue until early April. Anticipating the damage to the plants, farmers take precautions such as making a protector from clear plastic. "Every rainy season, I make plant protectors from plastic sheets for vegetables such as red onions. This is because if onions are exposed to rain continuously, it will cause the plants to die," says Mr. Hage, a local farmer. The protector has a simple construction which is made with only plastic and bamboo pieces. When one needs to water the plants or remove weeds, one just has to lift the cover.


Onion crops covered with
home-made protectors

Farmers removing the grass
by lifting the protector cover


Organic rice

After five to seven days the rice is planted, farmers conduct data collecting on a weekly basis which includes measuring the height of the plant, counting the number of tillers as well as checking the leaf color and water temperature in the paddy. In addition, observations were made on pests and diseases that attack the organic rice plants.

A total of 100 kg of organic rice is now being marketed at a greengrocer in Makassar. This is the first store to sell AMDA organic rice as we usually sell our produce door-to-door in the city. Since selling the rice has been restricted under the organic certification, securing a distributor has been a huge advance for AMDA Malino Farm.

The rice money has been fully paid to the farmers. The remainder of unsold rice still amounts to 239 kg including those that have been sold at the greengrocer. Until now, I myself have been keen at marketing the rice. Currently, the farmers have also been collecting coconut coir fiber besides growing organic vegetables such as shallots, mustard greens, lettuce, carrots, and so on.

Measuring the height of rice

AMDA rice sold at a greengrocer in Makassar


    •  Organic Farming (Comprehensive Livelihood Support)
    •  Indonesia
    •  2019
    •  Mid-Long Term Project
    •  Peace Building Project
    •  GPSP