Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







AMDA Emergency Relief #5: Sunda Strait Tsunami, Indonesia

Publication date:2019-01-16
The joint team of AMDA Indonesia and AMDA Headquarters has conducted this relief activities under the initiative of Professor Husni Tanra, the Chairperson of AMDA Indonesia, since 24th December 2018.

On 31st December, based on information from the Medical Cluster of Pandeglang Regency in Banten, the AMDA team visited the village of Panimbang. As a result, they joined the field clinic managed by the Disaster Management Agency of Banten Province as a medical team. As, on this day, the doctor would have had to be stationed at the clinic for 24 hours, he told the team that he was grateful for any kind of rest he could get. The doctor from AMDA Indonesia saw four patients.

After this, the team stopped by a mosque in the village of Sidamukti. The team was told that, after the tsunami, roughly 400 people who lived on the coast took shelter in and around this mosque at night. The team borrowed some space inside the mosque and treated a total of 30 people with symptoms such as wounds caused by debris and fevers. Upon discovering that one of the patients, a child, was likely suffering with a cardiovascular disease, the team advised his mother to take him to a nearby clinic with a pediatrician to receive further treatment as soon as possible.

The next day, the 1st January, some affected locals came to visit the AMDA team from the morning where they were staying because they heard about the team. As their local clinic was closed, the AMDA doctor saw seven people who requested checkups. The team also handed over 50 households’ worth of goods, including foodstuffs and daily commodities, to the affected hotel employees from this tsunami, such as those who stayed at the shelters in the nighttime.

The team then visited a village called Susukan. Around 1,000 residents (200 households) who lived along the coast were evacuating with relatives and other villagers. Relief goods for the day had already been distributed to the villagers, but the AMDA team handed over bread, baby food and diapers so that they could be distributed among the villagers the following day. After the children had just been given sweets, they reassured the team by shouting “thank you” in Japanese with beaming smiles on their faces.

After, the team visited the Medical Cluster of the Pandeglang Regency to report on their activities and provide pharmaceutical support.

On the same day, the joint team completed its mission and returned to Makassar (where AMDA Indonesia is based) on the following day. The team, then, reported the activities to AMDA Indonesia Chairperson upon returning.

As the relief came to close, the Japanese coordinator from AMDA Headquarters went back to Japan on the 8th. AMDA International will further keep an eye on local conditions and will closely correspond with AMDA Indonesia if need be.

AMDA Medical Team from AMDA Indonesia
1.    Dr. Adniyaria (Male, Resident of Anesthesiology)
2.    Mr. Sahruna Madjid (Male, Nurse)
3.    Mr. Khusnul Yaqien (Male, Medical Student)

AMDA Team from AMDA Headquarters
4.   Mr. Yutaro Kamikura (Male, Coordinator)

    •  GPSP Multi-National Medical Mission (Peace Building)
    •  Indonesia
    •  2018
    •  2019
    •  ER & Reconstruction