Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







AMDA Emergency Relief #2: Sunda Strait Tsunami, Indonesia

Publication date:2018-12-27
On 24th, AMDA Indonesia medical team (2 anesthesiologists, 1 nurse, 1 medical student) has departed Sulawesi to Serang, the Capital of Banten Province, in Java. After arrival, the medical team conducted an assessment in Sumur village and Kertajaya village in the province, ones of the severely affected areas on 25th. The next day on 26th, the team saw patients in Nelayan village and Sumur Village during health check-up. In addition, the team distributed food in Sumur Village while conducting health check-up.

On 26th, AMDA Headquarters dispatched a coordinator from Japan. He joined AMDA Indonesia team today on 27th for relief activity.

AMDA Medical Team from AMDA Indonesia
1.    Dr. Hisbullah (Male, Anesthesiologist)
2.    Dr. Adniyaria (Male, Resident of Anesthesiology)
3.    Mr. Sahruna (Male, Nurse)
4.    Mr. Khusnul Yaqien (Male, Medical Student)

AMDA Team from AMDA Headquarters
5.   Mr. Yutaro Kamikura (Male, Coordinator)
    •  GPSP Multi-National Medical Mission (Peace Building)
    •  Indonesia
    •  2018
    •  ER & Reconstruction