Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







AMDA Emergency Report #9 – Hokkaido Earthquake Emergency Relief

Publication date:2018-09-19
On 16 September 2018, one AMDA coordinator joined the ground team in the town of Atsumacho which was devastated by the quake. After paying a visit to local counterparts (the Hokkaido Prefectural Government, the regional disaster headquarters, the group of Atsumacho health workers and the local medical institutions), the coordinator arrived in Atsuma Central Elementary School (the relief hub) to gather information. On the following day, the AMDA team worked with a relief team from Japanese Red Cross Society to assess the evacuees’ health conditions and the current circumstances in several shelters. The findings were later reported to the group of health workers in Atsumacho.

The activities up to the 18th include an investigation of the needs of the evacuees’, checking their blood pressure, giving health-related consultations, providing care-giver support, as well as maintaining the environmental conditions (room temperature, humidity, sanitation, etc.) in the shelter. The team also provided medical and sanitary goods while collaborating with volunteers and other aid organizations. AMDA is in charge of night-time assistance from evening to 10 AM.

Foreseeing a prolonged evacuation life, extra efforts have been made to maintain a stable living environment, especially for pregnant women, children, people with disabilities, as well as those who are suffering from dementia. As of the 18th, while some evacuees have complained of loss of appetite, headaches, anxiety and insomnia, no serious cases have been reported thanks to the regular health checks and blood pressure monitoring.

As of 19 September (10 AM), the total number of evacuees in Hokkaido is 969 (22 locations in 6 municipalities). Still, 7 evacuation centers are in operation in Atsumacho, and 71 people have been seeking shelter in Atsuma Central Elementary School (as of 5 PM, 18 September).   
    •  GPSP Multi-National Medical Mission (Peace Building)
    •  Japan
    •  2018
    •  ER & Reconstruction