The 8th of August was slightly cooler compared to the scorching weather which the whole country had been experiencing for the past few weeks. However, this could not be underestimated as the climate is expected to return to normal in coming days (over 35 degrees Celsius every day). AMDA has been providing relief in the three activity locations, namely, Sunwork Soja (Soja City), Okada Elementary School (Mabicho) and Mabi Community House Sono Branch (Mabicho). Likewise, AMDA also sent its relief personnel to work at a first aid station set up in Mabi Community House Okada Branch.
AMDA’s emergency relief efforts could not have been possible without the earnest support of volunteers. Since the 5th of August, the town government of Kuroshio Town in Kochi Prefecture has sent one health worker to partake in AMDA’s relief activities. In addition, several student volunteers have also been sent from Okayama Prefectural University and Tamano General Medicine Vocational School. The aforementioned institutions are AMDA’s partner organizations that belong to AMDA’s Platform for the Great Nankai Trough Disaster, a disaster response platform to allow smooth collaborations between governments, private businesses, affiliated medical institutions and other relevant organizations at the occurrence of the Great Nankai Trough Disaster which is predicted to hit Japan in the near future.
Activity report (07 Aug. 2018):
-Regular rounds at Mabi Community House Sono Branch (Mabicho)
On the 7th, usual rounds were done by one AMDA nurse and the staff from the nearby nursing home. In addition, three volunteers from the said vocational school (nursing students) joined forces with them. They organized recreational activities for the evacuees and talked to them in person to see how each of them was doing. While the elderly evacuees enjoyed clapping hands to the popular music of their time, they did a physical exercise using a ball or a balloon to keep themselves active. In total, eight people took part in various programs which the student volunteers prepared. One of the evacuees played the harmonica to show one’s appreciation toward the team which uplifted everyone’s mood.
-First aid station at Mabi Community House Okada Branch (Mabicho)
On the 7th, 25 volunteers from Soja City as well as 45 volunteers from Mabicho helped clean up the affected homes in Okada district. Because a first aid station was set up in the community house, AMDA, with its nurse and coordinator, assisted their work with medical volunteers from Kurashiki City. External injuries from clearing work seem to be increasing. For instance, one patient visited the station to receive treatment after hurting oneself with a rusty nail during the cleanup. The team also recommended the patient to see a doctor for proper care. Since then, the first aid station made it a point to warn every volunteer to not get hurt.
-Acupuncture at Okada Elementary School (Mabicho)
On the 7th, 11 people visited AMDA’s care room for the acupuncture treatment. As the evacuation life prolongs, their chronic ailments seem to be worsening, whereas an increasing number of people are complaining of constipation. Not drinking enough water or change in diet are said to be the possible causes, however, stress is another contributing factor which should not be overlooked. The therapists are trying not to miss symptoms such as edema in the lower body or tenderness while treating patients, telling them not to hesitate to report any bodily discomfort.
The team also used their spare time to go around the shelter to see every evacuee in person and recommended them to visit the care room if needed. The team also shared the information of those who voiced their health concerns with the medical personnel at the shelter.
Other than that, three people came to receive a massage, and 13 people came to have a footbath of which several student volunteers were in charge. Some of the visitors to the care room revealed their hardships they were going through. On the one hand, some people are still curious enough to peek into the room to find out what is going on inside. AMDA staff hopes to make the place open and accessible to anyone who might be interested in receiving the services.
-Health-related support and acupuncture at Sunwork Soja (Soja City)
As of the 7th, AMDA’s health worker and coordinator have been working in Sunwork Soja with local medical personnel. At the moment, 35 people from 18 households have been seeking shelter at the facility. While the team goes around the shelter to check every evacuee’s health condition every morning, the team encourages them to join the daily physical exercises for maintaining their wellbeing. The team has been closely in touch with the families and local medical institutions to keep an eye on their health conditions.
In the morning, five people received the acupuncture treatment including one person who came in for the first time. Everyone seemed really refreshed after the treatment as it was visible in their smiles.