Since the disaster started, many volunteers from all over the country have been coming to Soja City and Mabi Town to provide their assistance in this difficult time.
On 21st July, AMDA continued to provide medical and health support at two evacuation shelters, and dispatched medical personnel to Mabi Memorial Hospital.
-Okada Elementary School in Mabi Town, Kurashiki City-
AMDA is running the AMDA Care Room in the ‘Himawari’ class room at Okada Elementary School, where it is providing massage and acupuncture treatment. The AMDA acupuncture team joined public health nurses on the morning of 21st and 22nd on patrols around the school. The aim of this was to get a grasp of the general health conditions of the evacuees, and to encourage those suffering from body pains to visit the AMDA Care Room. If possible, the team wants to prevent their symptoms from worsening.
The AMDA Care Room, open from 2pm to 6pm, accepted 16 people for acupuncture treatment on 21st, seven of whom were new patients. Some of those people came as a result of the patrol in the morning. Many patients were suffering from back and shoulder pain. Roughly 40% of the day’s patients were in their forties, and it is likely that their body pains stem from the continuing efforts to clean their homes, carrying heavy objects and removing mud. From conversations with them during the treatments, many of the evacuees revealed many symptoms that they were previously hiding, such as the immense stress and fatigue that has built up since the disaster struck.

In addition, on 21st, a lawyer joined the AMDA team. He patrolled around the school and gave legal advice to the refugees. Depending on the need for this service, AMDA is considering extending this service, or maybe even setting up a booth to more comfortably carry it out.
-Sunwork Soja, Soja City-
As of 21st July, there were 54 people evacuating at Sunwork Soja. Continuing its Health Support Program there, the AMDA Medical Team treated ten people. In cooperation with a public health nurse, one AMDA nurse and one AMDA coordinator continued to observe and maintain the evacuees’ health. Although it is clear that the continued state of evacuation is taking its toll on the victims, AMDA is able to collaborate with the local municipal government to call specialists to treat them if necessary.
In response to many evacuees suffering with constipation, a dietitian was called out who suggested to improve their nutritional intake. As a result, vegetable juice is now included with every meal. As there are also some who are anxious about the future, the AMDA nurse went around the hall and spoke directly with the evacuees, listening carefully to their concerns. It seemed as though this at least partially relieved the situation. In addition, as there are some who have been complaining of irritation in their eyes, which is believed to be caused by clouds of dried dirt in the air, AMDA is planning to distribute eye medicine to the sufferers.
AMDA has been receiving personnel support from Kuroshio Town in Kochi Prefecture, a registered member municipality of AMDA’s Platform for the Great Nankai Trough Disaster in Japan, an affiliated medical institution called Asahigawaso and a local support group known as Okayama Co-op.