On 17 July 2018, AMDA’s four relief teams conducted the following activities in Soja City and Mabicho in Okayama Prefecture that were severely affected by the torrential downpours that struck west Japan earlier this month.
Among the team members are personnel from AMDA’s partner organizations including Co-op Okayama as well as medical institutions that partake in *AMDA’s Platform for the Great Nankai Trough Disaster.
(*”AMDA’s Platform for the Great Nankai Trough Disaster” is a disaster response platform established for the purpose of collaboration between AMDA, local municipal governments, and private companies in western areas of Japan (Chugoku-Shukoku region) foreseeing the Nankai Trough Disaster which is expected to strike the nation in the near future.)
-Soja City: Sunwork Soja (Health-related assistance)
In collaboration with health workers from Kurashiki City and Mabi Elderly Support Center, AMDA team carried on with the ongoing mobile health monitoring in Sunwork Soja, one of the evacuation hubs in the area.
AMDA nurses went around the shelter and talked to evacuees in person to see if they were doing okay. As a result, one evacuee was referred to a nearby hospital whose high blood pressure symptoms worsened. After finding an appropriate medical facility, the evacuee was safely hospitalized. The routine physical exercises have been held continuously and have contributed to maintaining both the health and mental conditions of those who have been staying at the shelter.

(Left: A meeting at the shelter; Right: Sanitizer for the sanitary control)
-Soja City: Shimobara Community House (Medical assistance)
For the past few days, AMDA’s nurse and medical coordinator have been at the standby at the medical post set within Shimobara Community House in Shiomobara district. Because the number of volunteers from the outside decreased after the three consecutive holidays, the number of patients got less. No serious case was identified although nine people came to complain of heatstroke or feeling unwell.
-Soja City: Showa Community House (Medical assistance)
The medical post set at Showa Community House in the heavily affected Showa district was scheduled to end its service on the 16th, however, it was extended to the following day. Besides taking care of four patients who came in for health-related consultations, in the afternoon one nurse and one medical coordinator from AMDA visited about 30 households to monitor the health conditions of the local residents. Though no emergency aid was needed, it was reported to an accompanying city staff that some of them might need to be watched as they seemed to be overwhelmed by fatigue.
-Mabicho: Okada Elementary School (Massage and acupuncture services)
On the 17th, seven people came to receive the massage service provided by AMDA’s acupuncturists and acupuncturists from Okayama Prefectural Acupuncturist Association. One of the acupuncturists expressed one’s fulfillment through one’s work as people seemed to be greatly appreciative of the service. The ongoing acupuncture service has also been welcomed in which 27 people received the treatment that day. Even for those who had never experienced acupuncture, they were happy that their physical tiredness was soothed. “I’d like to go see an acupuncturist from now on if I felt unwell,” one woman said.