As we reported earlier in our report AMDA Indonesia dispatched two doctors to the flash flood affected area in Bima, NTB. Before departing Makassar on the 28
th of December, the team prepared logistics such as medicine, medical tools and daily necessities for the team of two, namely Dr. Indra Sukmana Putra and Dr. Hendra Salim.
After their arrival, on the way from the airport to the city, AMDA Indonesia team was able to travel through the affected area and see the magnitude of the damage to the local communities.The team provided mobile medical services until the 30
th of December from morning till evening. In the areas where they provided the medical services, the team worked in collaboration with various local groups and organisations during their mission. On both days the team conducted clinics in two different places and on the first day (29
th Dec.) they worked with the department of fisheries and marine science in Posko-2 in Peneraga, sub district of Raba and Baitul Magdis mosque officials in TPI Tarjuna. On the second day they worked in collaboration with Ar-Rahim mosque in Tana Taraha Street in Dara and Posko Parado council in Sagia.
In total they provided medical services to 151 patients on the first day and a total of 129 patients on the second day. On top of providing the mobile medical clinics the team also distributed play goods such as balloons and provided the local residents with holy Qur`ans. The team spend the New Year with the local residents and then returned back to Makassar on the next day.