Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







AMDA Emergency Relief for Sumatra Earthquake 03

Publication date:2016-12-14
According to the National Agency for Disaster Management the latest death toll stands at 102 with more than 500 injured, about 125 of them sustained serious injuries. More than 150 houses and 100s of buildings including around 14 Mosques were damaged due to the strong earthquake.
As per the local report the hospital in Pidie Jaya was overcrowded and thus hospital medical teams were transferring some survivors to the neighboring town of Sigli. Sigli is the capital city of neighboring region of Pidie and located about 19km from the epicenter.
As Reported earlier, AMDA Indonesia send two Anesthesiologists from Macassar to the affected area in Aceh and they together with the team of 3 Orthopedic surgeons from Hasanuddin University stationed themselves at the local hospital in Sigli. The team stayed at Sigli hospital until the 13th of December and assisted the hospital to provided services to the injured. After surveying the depth of the damages in the area, they also conducted mobile clinics in the region and interacted with the local community and distributed some relief items.

AMDA Indonesia team will return back to Macassar on the 15th of December.
Aceh suffered severely during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami caused by a giant earthquake that killed more than 230,000 people at more than 12 countries and 170,000 of them in Aceh Province.
    •  GPSP Medical Mission (Promotion of Health)
    •  Indonesia
    •  2016
    •  ER & Reconstruction
    •  GPSP