Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995








AMDA Emergency Relief for Kumamoto Earthquake 22

Publication date:2016-06-10
While schools have already restarted in Mashiki-machi, Kumamoto, the number of evacuees at Hiroyasu Elementary School has declined to 157 from 800-plus at its peak. Nevertheless, still 136 people are staying in the school gym, 11 are in a special classroom and 10 are in their cars. As for those whose houses were completely destroyed or severely damaged, they are still being forced to seek refuge. Likewise, those who are yet to be allocated with a temporary housing still need to remain at the shelter.
For the elderly people who were relocated to a nursing home in Kumamoto City, AMDA’s acupuncturists have continued to visit them on a weekly basis.
As of now, the whole acupuncture therapy has been carried out by local therapists residing in Kumamoto. The routine treatment is provided every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, and for evacuees, it has literally been a soothing antidote to life’s complications. The patients say, because of this service, they can endure the prolonged hardship.
The therapy will be offered until the evacuees leave the shelter and begin a new life.
Until now, AMDA has dispatched around 120 relief personnel to Kumamoto. The approximate number of the beneficiaries tops 2,100.
    •  Japan
    •  2016
    •  ER & Reconstruction