Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







AMDA Emergency Relief for Kumamoto Earthquake 13

Publication date:2016-05-01

AMDA team has been working at both Hiroyasu Elementary School in Mashiki-machi (the initial activity hub) as well as the temporary healthcare room set up on April 27th at Mashiki-machi Athletic Complex Park’s tent village. At the healthcare room, the team holds blood pressure check and other health guidance while going around the tents to take care of patients with heart diseases and diabetes. On April 29th alone, seven people visited the healthcare room.


The acupuncture treatments offered at Hiroyasu Elementary School are also helping the staff who have been selflessly working for the evacuees since the disaster struck. “It almost felt like taking a bath,” one of the staff who had the therapy said. Contrary to the decline in the number of patients seeking ordinary medical treatments, more people are visiting the temporary clinic for the acupuncture therapy. The number of people who came in for acupuncture was 36 (including the staff who also received the therapy) whereas outpatients for ordinary medical services counted 29, showing obvious decline in numbers.


At the evacuation shelter, while additional toilets were set for carers to protect themselves from infectious diseases, cardboard partitions have been allocated for the elderly people in securing privacy and relaxing atmosphere.


On the other hand, local doctors have started to get active, frequently exchanging opinions with AMDA staff for better medical services and improving the overall living environment. The foot-spa service which has been offered since April 25th (held twice a day) has gotten to be so popular that 70 people visited on April 29th alone.

    •  Japan
    •  2016
    •  ER & Reconstruction