My name is Babita Kumari Thakur. I am the nurse at AMDA Peace clinic (APC) in Bodh-Gaya. Mastipur and Piparpati are two communities in Bodh-Gaya and I am taking care of the pregnant ladies of these two communities. I am checking the pregnant ladies health and maintain their regular maternity records.

One day in January, when I went to visit Mastipur village I met with a pregnant lady and her name is Sunaina Devi Manjhi. She was in her 8
th month of pregnancy. Though I have been visiting there regularly I did not see her before, because she is living at a rented house with her husband and children. In Mastipur usually a rental house means renting a room at the very back of a house where the owner family occupies the front and most part of the house. She has two daughters and one neighbor in fact told me about Sunaina Devi. I went to Sunaina Devi`s house and talked about her pregnancy and APC clinic. She did not look so healthy to me so I asked her to come at APC for a checkup.
On our regular clinic day I asked her to come to APC and consult with our doctor. After the consultation, she went through a full blood test and checkup by the pathologist. In the pathology report I found her Hemoglobin to be very low and she was in her 8
th month of pregnancy. It was very low and even if she eats nutrient food that would not help to increase Hemoglobin in her blood before her delivery. She was also suffering from swellings in her body. Then, during the next clinic when doctor saw the report she prescribed her “
Inferons” (Iron Injection). She had to take this Injection with 100ml normal saline.
At the end of the clinic Sunaina Devi’s husband, Nandlal Manjhi came at the APC to receive his wife. We talked about Sunaina Devi’s health condition with him. I explained to him that it is very important to give this injection as soon as possible because she is in her 8
th month of pregnancy. If not, she might face complications during the delivery. After hearing about wife’s condition, he was ready to support his wife`s treatment. However two days later, through his wife, he requested us to postpone the treatment citing financial difficulties. As she had to get the treatment as soon as possible, we again talked to her husband but it was no use.

After that I talked to Nithian sir from AMDA Japan about this matter. Then Nithian sir asked her lifestyle. After listening about her lifestyle Nithian sir told, “OK, AMDA will pay half the money for the treatment and half of the money patient has to pay.” I asked to Nithian sir is it possible to do this treatment at APC. Then he said yes but for the first treatment I have to go to Dr. Reeta Verma (our Gynecologist clinic and I have to see how they are doing. Then I can do at APC.
I asked to Sunaina Devi and her husband and they agreed with condition and ready for the treatment. The first day of the treatment I went to Dr. Reeta Verma clinic with Sunaina Devi and I met with doctor and the treatment started there. During the treatment I asked to the patient how she is feeling? She said no problem she said she is OK.

After the treatment I bring her to the APC to meet with Nithian sir and sir asked to Sunaina Devi, if she is feeling ok after the treatment. She said “yes” and she was happy after the treatment. Her treatment was alternate; every second day she received treatment. From the second
treatment I asked to Sunaina Devi to come at the APC for the treatment and I prepared the medicine for her. Her body swelling was decreased after the 4th treatment. She was feeling good after getting the treatment. She got 5 treatment before she deliver the baby.
After the 5th treatment she delivered a very cute baby girl at home. Before the delivery she was having water discharge and pain. But after the deliver the baby and mother are good, no any problem and her baby is very healthy.