Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995







Emergency Relief Activities in Nepal 14

Publication date:2015-05-15
On May 12th, the big-scale aftershock of Magnitude 7.3 and 6.3 hit Nepal one after another. Its epicenter is Sindhupalchowk, one of AMDA’s activity site. According to the local information, this aftershock also caused some casualties.

All AMDA team members in Kathmandu, Sindhupalchowk, Nuwakot, and Gorkha are confirmed to be safe.

AMDA team members described the chaotic situation after the large scale aftershocks in Kathmandu that people came out of buildings and are staying outside. The aftershocks also caused heavy traffic jam as some roads along the buildings with the risk of collapsing could not be passed. All stores are closed again. The aftershocks led to new building collapse and confusion. Phone lines were congested most of the time. A hospital building in Patan has been collapsed, and some causalities has been reported. Smaller-scale aftershocks are felt continuously.

According to the AMDA physical therapist (a Japanese National) working at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, more than 40 new patients were carried to the hospital after the aftershocks. He has been supporting to immobilize patients’ extremities in casts. Until 11th May, the day before the aftershock, he has been involved in the rehabilitation for approximately 100 post-op patients who had peroneal nerve paralysis, amputation of limbs, and spinal cord injuries.

According to WHO, the number of death has been increased to 8,046 and the number of injured stands at 17,866. More than 4 million people lost their houses and are living in temporal shelters.

More damage will be reported later as major aftershocks hit Nepal. Increased number of people are expected to evacuate to the temporay shelters setup all aroudn the countires and lifeline might be stopped again. Psychological issues such as PTSD are the concern among the affected people in Nepal.
    •  GPSP Medical Mission (Promotion of Health)
    •  GPSP Multi-National Medical Mission (Peace Building)
    •  Nepal
    •  2015
    •  ER & Reconstruction