On May 10th, the fifth Medical Team from Japan has departed for Kathmandu with medical equipment (30 sphygmomanometers, 30 stethoscopes and 5 pulse oximeters) donated by Tokushima prefecture that AMDA has concluded MOU with, for the predicted Nakai Trough Earthquake in the future.
On the 11th, the team from Japan and two doctors from Development Academy of the Philippines, a member of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Peace (GPSP), arrived in Kathmandu.
AMDA team led by AMDA Nepal has been continuously supporting the affected through medical missions in the suburbs of Kathmandu. On May 7th, the team conducted medical missions and relief goods distribution in Kavresthali and Jitpur Phedi. Even though houses in the mountains are damaged from the earthquake, people in those communities continue to stay in the areas. On the 8th, medical missions were held in three villages of Lalitpur region. It was apparent everywhere one turns, there are many damaged houses standing along the streets.
As it has been two weeks from the earthquake, the local needs are changing. AMDA will continue to offer relief services according to the local needs.
As of May 10th, the earthquake killed 8,019 people, 17,866 injured, and numerous people are missing still. 300,000 houses are completely destroyed, and 270,000 houses are partially damaged. More than 2 million people in Nepal lost their places to live (May 11th report, WFP).