Continuing the relief activities for the earthquake disasters in Nepal, AMDA team of a Japanese Physiotherapist and coordinator from AMDA HQ joint a team of a doctor and a nurse from AMDA Nepal to conduct a medical mission in one of the displaced people camp in the Lalitpur township of Patan, just outside Kathmandu. This time AMDA conducted the clinic for the differently able people who have been sheltered in part of the above-mentioned camp that is located opposite to the Central Zoo.
There were about 50 members of differently abled people from many parts of the affected area. The members were accommodated about 9 tents and supported by the local Govt. under the coordination of a local organization called “Independent Living” (IL), an organization that promotes independent living for people in a wheelchair.
The facilities at the camp for the wheelchair residence are relatively well provided. According to the representative of IL the residence have enough bedding and shelter facilities except shortage of food at times. They do have 2 toilets for the wheelchair users however according to the rep. of IL due to the shortage of water they were facing some difficulties. AMDA was able to provide 170 special bags that could be used to keep the facility clean and hygiene along with treating chemical agents for hygiene.
AMDA team provided medical consultation and medication to 25 people who required it. However most of the complaints were body ache, pain and conditions that the residents suffer from regardless of the earthquake. Most of the residents have their rented apartments in the Kathmandu area but due to the constant earthquake and aftershocks they took shelter at this special camp. This facility is more secure for them considering the number of aftershocks. Some of the residents became wheelchair bound due to childhood Polio infection. Nepal is still not declared a Polio free country.
GPSP Multi-National Medical Mission (Peace Building)
ER & Reconstruction
3-31-1 Ifukuchou, Kitaku, Okayama City, Okayama, 700-0013, Japan TEL:+81-86-252-6051