Association of Medical Doctors of ASIA, founded in 1984, Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 1995








  • Students in Bodhgaya, India, to receive AMDA Awards

    Publication date:2022-07-11
    By Dr. Archana Shrestha Joshi (AMDA Headquarters)
    On 25 December 2021, 10 graduates of *Jeanamitabh Free Boarding School in Bihar, India, received AMDA Awards for their outstanding academic achievements. Since they graduated from the school, the students are currently attending high school and university in the locality. 

    The 10 students were chosen through a screening process in which the award commission comprising five members (the school officials and others including a Rotarian)

    • Letters from AMDA Award Recipients in Bodhgaya, India

      Publication date:2021-03-23
      Tomoko Iwao (AMDA Headquarters)

      The letter from the Award Recipient

      In December 2020, AMDA Award was presented to 10 students from *Jeanamitabh Free Boarding School in Bodhgaya, Bihar, located in the eastern part of India. Each awardee received a trophy and a 500-rupee bursary which could be used for purchasing stationery and other school items.

      This time, AMDA Headquarters received letters of appreciation from the award recipients reporting on how the fund was useful for buying reference books or receiving extracurricular tutoring in preparation for the so-called “board exams” (All India Secondary School Examination). AMDA Award was also featured in the 27 December 2020 edition of Danik Bhashkar News, a local newspaper.

      • AMDA Award Presented to Students in Bodhgaya, India

        Publication date:2021-02-03
        Tomoko Iwao (AMDA Headquarters)

        A Student Receiving AMDA Award
        from the Principal

        On 25 December 2020, AMDA Award was presented to 10 students from Bodhgaya’s Jeanamitabh Free Boarding School in Bihar which is known to be India’s most impoverished state. The school houses around 120 children from marginalized communities whose average household income is said to be 4,000 to 5,000 rupees per month.

        This time, five Award committee members, comprising the school secretary general, board member, headmaster and local Rotarians, awarded each one of the boys and girls a trophy and 500-rupee bursary. The recipients will make use of the sum for purchasing stationery and other school items.

        • Video clip: AMDA's promotional video is ready!

          Publication date:2019-09-24
          Our promotional video is now ready on AMDA English YouTube Channel. Kindly have a look.  

          • AMDA-Suganami Scholarship for Sri Lankan Students

            Publication date:2016-07-05
            The Suganami Family Foundation has been providing financial help to medical students in Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Turkey, Mongolia and Sri Lanka in the form of SUGANAMI Scholarships under the g

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